Anime HW 1 - Maeve Hydock

 Video 1: 

Overall it seems like a long bus, not a super difficult process. At the beginning of the video, he was using the brush tool to create an actual drawing of what he was then going to animate. He used different layers to complete the drawing. I do this this would be a bit difficult since I have never done this before. It would definitely be easier to use images from the internet like gifs to start instead of drawing something on my own. As I said in the beginning the actual animation process does not look that difficult it just looks a little time-consuming. 

Video 2: 

This video revolved mainly on the timeline process and how to use that. Overall this does seem a little difficult but I think it is something that will end up becoming easy once I get the hang of it. Doing different video groups and layers seems challenging because you have to make sure that you are choosing the correct groups. However, as I stated in the beginning it is definitely something that gets easier once you get the hang of it. 

Video 3: 

This video was a combination of the first and second videos. In the beginning, it talked about setting up your timeline and the video layers that you will be using. As I said earlier the time line does not seem super difficult as I have watched how to do it for the third time now I feel as if I would understand what I am doing. However, doing the actual drawing seems a little difficult with all of the different layers. That determines where the action takes place so it is not something that you want to mess up and then realize ten steps ahead. 


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